# Player Tab

If you selected ‘Player’ as the event type on the general information page instead of ‘Team’ or 'Tournament', the second tab will be labeled ‘Player’. Select this tab to complete the information that will be used for your public registration page.

Sibling Discount: Selecting this toggle allows you to offer a discount for siblings when they are done on the same registration via the “Add Player” button. Specify whether the discount is for all siblings attending, or for the 2nd+ siblings (in the case the first player pays full price).

TTeam Discount: Selecting this checkbox allows you to specify a discount for members from the same team. The quantity box to the right allows you to set a minimum number of teammates for the discount to be in effect.

Minimum DOB: Use this field to specify a minimum age for registrants.

Shirt: Check this toggle if shirts will be offered to registrants. Select the offered shirt sizes to the right; registrants will then be able to choose a shirt size when registering. If you want to make shirts required, select the ‘Required’ button on the far right.

Shorts: Check this toggle if shorts will be offered to registrants. Select the offered shorts sizes to the right; registrants will then be able to choose a shorts size when registering. If you want to make shorts required, select the ‘Required’ button on the far right.

Jersey: Check this toggle if jerseys will be offered to registrants. Select the offered jersey sizes to the right; registrants will then be able to choose a jersey size when registering. If you want to make jerseys required, select the ‘Required’ button on the far right.

Jersey#: Check this toggle if you wish to capture jersey numbers.

Jersey# Desired: Check this toggle if the registrants will be able to select their desired jersey number.

Socks: Check this toggle if socks will be offered to registrants. Select the offered sock sizes to the right; registrants will then be able to choose a sock size when registering. If you want to make socks required, select the ‘Required’ button on the far right.

Uniform: Check this toggle if uniforms will be offered to registrants. Select the offered uniform sizes to the right; registrants will then be able to choose a uniform size when registering. If you want to make uniforms required, select the ‘Required’ button on the far right.

Warmup Suit: Check this toggle if warmups will be offered to registrants. Select the offered warmup sizes to the right; registrants will then be able to choose a warmup size when registering. If you want to make warmup suits required, select the ‘Required’ button on the far right.

Ball: Check this toggle if balls will be offered to registrants. Select the offered ball sizes to the right; registrants will then be able to choose a ball size when registering. If you want to make balls required, select the ‘Required’ button on the far right.

Shoes: Check this toggle if shoes will be offered to registrants. Select the offered shoe sizes to the right; registrants will then be able to choose a ball size when registering. If you want to make shoes required, select the ‘Required’ button on the far right.

Backpack: Select this checkbox if backpacks will be offered to registrants.

Player Type: Selecting this checkbox allows registrants to specify ‘goalkeeper’ or ‘field’ player.

Show Player Comments: Selecting this checkbox allows registrants to write comments about their player information.

Preferred Roommate: Selecting this checkbox allows registrants to type in a name for a preferred roommate. This field is often used for overnight camps.

Team Name: Selecting this checkbox and Coach’s Name checkbox allows registrants to enter their team and coach names. Use textbox instead of dropdown: Select this checkbox to have registrants enter their team and coach names in a textbox. To use dropdowns, enter the team names in Club Team 1 Label and Club Team 2 Label, described below.

School: Selecting this checkbox allows registrants to enter their school name in a textbox.

Grade: Selecting this checkbox allows registrants to select their grade from a dropdown box. You must select the grades to be offered in the dropdown box by checking the appropriate grades.

Preferred Teammates: Selecting this checkbox allows registrants to enter preferred teammates in a textbox.

Emergency Contact: Selecting this checkbox allows registrants to enter emergency contact information on the registration form.

Show volunteer: If registrants can volunteer for the program, select the volunteer positions available and they will be able to select those on the registration form.

Capture Mother’s bday?: Select this field if you wish to capture mother’s birthday (month and day only). This is typically used to generate player id’s for player cards.

Show Home Phone?: Selecting this checkbox adds the home phone number to the registration page.

Show Cell Phone?: Selecting this checkbox adds the cell phone number to the registration page.. Checking the ‘Label’ box allows you to label this number, i.e. ‘Cell Phone’ or ‘Evening Phone’, etc.

Show Carpool Link?: Selecting this checkbox gives the registrant the option to specify teammate preferences for carpool purposes in a textbox.

Ask how many years played?: Selecting this checkbox adds the question ‘How many years has your child played (sport)? to the registration. Specify the sport for your event in the textbox to the right of the checkbox.

Capture Guardian/Contact Info: Check this toggle if you want to capture the guardian information during registration. First and last name, address, and email are required information if you check this toggle. Additional information includes supplementary email addresses and phone numbers. You would uncheck this checkbox for adult types of registrations where you don’t need guardian information.

Player Height/Weight/Positions: Selecting these checkboxes adds a text box for height and weight to the registration; selecting the ‘Positions’ checkbox allows registrants to select forward, midfielder, defender or keeper on the registration form.

Country/Citizenship/Passport/GPA/Soccer Awards/ODP Experience/PDL Experience/College Experience/Other Experience/Player ACT/SAT/Class Rank/Grad. Date/Player Parents/Player Email/Academic Honors/Soccer References: Checking any of the toggles add textboxes to the registration form for registrants to add the requested information. The ‘Country of Birth’ checkbox brings up a dropdown menu for country selection.

Club Team 1 Label/Club Team 2 Label: Select these as required if you wish to capture club team information from the registrant. The teams that are populated come from club data.

Capture Player Photo: Select ‘Required’ if you wish to capture a player photo from the registrant.

Auto-create Guardian logon: Checking this box automatically creates a logon for the first guardian listed.